Tuesday 25 August 2015


It seems the UK has been utterly and undeniably flanked on all sides by globalist interests, wealthy banking families and corrupt politicians. We are well and truly hemmed in, and if I'm allowed to be completely pessimistic, it seems like there is going to be no escape from the increasing rot that has gripped an entire global civilisation.
Now, you may be thinking I'm being paranoid, thinking negatively or spouting a load of old shit, but you only have to look at the world around us to see that this is no longer a case of 'if' we become a dystopian society, but to what degree that we do. 
Increasing food prices, reduction of state pensions (whilst increasing how long we work for.) Reduction in wages, (when you take into account relative loss to inflation) attack on liberties, attack on judicial process, the attack on the right to protest, constant attacks against firearm and weapon ownership. The list goes on and on.

Put simply, I would say that the UK and all of the other Western nations are at the end of their lifespan as a free society. Even the notion of true sovereign Governments is clearly at risk now, you only need look at what happens when a nation goes against globalists interests (like Gaddafi's Libya) to see that this is the case. Put simply, we are approaching Neo-feudalism. A technocratic form of global Government that seeks to micro-manage every aspect of our lives. Cleverly disguising itself as a free society, when in actual fact the rampant consumer society is the very product of our domination. If you break down society with a Marxist doctrine whilst the public are distracted by mindless entertainment, you can slip in messages that counter traditional values whilst making it appear 'fun' and common until it does indeed become the 'pop-culture', the modern day hive-mind.
It would be easy to call this new system fascist, but fascism generally supports its own citizens. It's certainly elitist, and when you can no longer ignore the fact that this domination is overwhelmingly coming via usury debt, there is only one answer. This domination is the result of Zionism. A truly racist and elitist philosophy which has swayed British and American politics for at least the good part of one and half centuries. 

Suppression of the Proletariat

McDonalds' is now in the top ten companies
 to workfor in the UK.
Desperate times!

If you are lucky enough to have a half decent job, chances are high that over

the past few years you have received a relative pay-cut when you take into consideration rising inflation. Seems very few people have received a substantial pay rise since the 2008 financial crises because of the uncertain markets. Of course if you are on minimum wage, it does occasionally go up, but this only has a knock on effect that increases the inflation rate - and thus the pay rise is worth less within a year or so. As the inflation rate increases, and less people are getting pay rises, what is happening is a strange concertina effect where more and more people end up on the minimum wage. 
In the UK the Government has recently announced that they are cutting tax, cutting social support and increasing minimum wage up to £9 per hour. The current minimum wage is £6.50. Whilst this may seem brilliant for those already working on minimum wage, the draw back is that if you're currently on £9 an hour for doing something semi-skilled, you run the risk of being on the same wage as someone who works in McDonalds. Then there is the feedback loop, if you like, whereby the inflation pushes those wages down anyway, and without the income support which the Government wants to get rid of, it means a larger portion of the population end up in poverty. The cut backs to social care is often to referred to as 'austerity', which is basically Newspeak (look it up if you don't understand) which means to create more poverty, and maximise revenue for bankers and corporations.

If you're middle class, you're already being hammered from both sides, with 50% tax rate on the one side, and minimum wages increasing on the other, that decent job you aspired too and went to college for ends up paying less and less. Its the irony that in many cases there is literally no incentive (financial at least) for trying to better yourself. The only positive behind the current Government plans is that it prompts those who are quite happy to sit and contribute nothing to society to go and find work. The draw back being that the corporations which guide Government policy do not want everybody employed. Keeping a surplus in the labour market helps create work market competition, and like any market, saturation reduces its net worth. This is why our Governments have pushed immigration (or are seemingly reluctant to act on.)
Of course, in the UK and indeed most of the Western Civilisation, the soft touch towards immigration control has been supported by both the hardline socialists, and centre-right conservatives and has had a knock on effect with regards to the jobs and labour markets.
The liberals are useful idiots in regards to immigration. They are used through proxy organisations (like Common Purpose for instance) to fuel a wider push towards globalisation, which the capitalist center-right then use to make huge amounts of money off of. Easy peasy, order from chaos. The far-left motive is about breaking down the national indigenous culture or any form of traditional value, it is some form of utopian agenda which seeks to wipe out all notions of race or culture. Ironically they do it under the pseudonym of 'diversity', despite actively fighting for the amalgamation of all cultures into one indefinable mess.

Again what is ironic about the whole Marxist attitude is that they generally say that they're against corporate globalists, but they seem totally blind to the fact that they are themselves being used by them. Immigration is what globalisation looks like in the West. Its a part of the same global agenda that oversees the mineral pillage in Africa, or the industrialisation of China. A society with no identifiable culture (or race) is easier to control, and easier to isolate individuals away from traditional support networks. This is another reason why the idea of the nuclear family is under constant attack. In this new world, they want the state as your family, and your community.

The whole idea that immigration was 'good for our economy' was of course complete bullshit.  Flooding a country with thousands of workers who will do a days wage the rest of us wouldn't entertain forced us into the situation where today people will fight for a job flipping burgers. Neither does it address the long-term strategic view of housing or the costs of infrastructure with an ever increasing population. In the UK we now stand at a precipice where all public infrastructure looks to be collapsing under our feet. I think it's fair to ask at this point whether we can say stability can ever be reached again.
There is yet another reason for wage suppression though, which again, the liberals would have a field day at me for even daring to mention. That is Feminism. Now I'm not saying it's wrong for women to have the same legal
Feminism was originally
meant to expand materialism
out to the women, and promote
women employment.
rights as men, this isn't what I mean, but there is a negative argument in the belief that all women should be working. It was back in the 1920's that the idea of feminism was promoted by corporate powers, especially in America. They saw that most of the spending was only coming from men, and they realised they could extract more money out of the public if the women also had their own disposable income. After WWI, and later on after WWII, the labour potential in women working in factories became obvious. So whilst Rockefeller and others promoted and funded organisations working for women's rights, they also began targeting women with advertising, one of the most obvious being tobacco ads. Fast forward to today and its safe to say that the vast majority of advertising is aimed at women, and is interesting to note that through general attitude changes since the 1950s, it is generally the women now who are in control of the household finances.

Today in most households, women no longer work for some pocket money, but out of necessity. Like the effect of immigration, a society where both partners go out to work has created a relative wage decline to the point where the couple both work for what would previously have been equal to one person's wage. To make things worse, the modern third wave feminists who push the idea that to be a mother and homemaker is somehow derogatory, have ironically destroyed femininity itself and made society more hostile to womanhood and therefore are themselves unwittingly supporting corporate or financial institutions interests, not to mention the Fabianesque cultural Marxist directives.

Finally on this point of suppression of workers, we have to question the very act of financial lending. Why is it that credit cards became such an integral part of our lives? Why are loans so easy to get? Why is store credit even easier to get? Lending is so attractive to this modern system because it takes away the power of your money from you and gives it to financial institutions. For many people, because of low wages, it becomes nigh impossible to save for anything, therefore instead of always being in the black, you are constantly in the red - and therefore you continually pursue the hamster wheel mentality of working for a better life that you unfortunately are unlikely to ever have. This ties in totally with the consumer based, entertainment society. The old maxim of 'bread and circuses' certainly becomes apparent. You want new stuff? That's fine, you can have it, but your penance is that you have to work two jobs just to survive and own that new set of furniture. Or that new iPad. If we just realised that actually, most of the time the stuff we want is not actually needed we could pay off all our debts and live relatively stress-free, albeit without the newest iPhone.

Unfortunately marketing has gotten so good now at programming our brains, that it convinces us that we need utter shite to be happy in life.  General theme then is:

Inflation rates makes us poorer whilst it influences firms to pay unfair wages. This ultimately leads to a worker class which is happy just to have found work, no matter how degrading the place is to their staff or how chronically awful their wage packets are at the end of the month. This is exacerbated by immigrant work forces who will work for less, and thus drag down wages for everyone.

If you're a 'high' earner, earning over forty-odd thousand, you are hammered by a 50% tax rate, yet if you're a multi-millionaire who knows how to, and can afford to play the system, you essentially pay less tax percentage wise than anyone else in society. If you're born into a working or middle class family, unless you get lucky it seems there is little chance of ever really bettering yourself, or at least ever getting rich. What is worse is that with the long-term upward creep of minimum wage and a saturated work market, it is meaning that the middle class is getting hammered more than anyone, and the whole system is aimed at keeping the general public down whilst protecting the wealth of the elite. It is a scheme which amounts to a form of modern day slavery, but one which has the illusion of freedom because we can still choose who we work for, where we live and what car we want to drive.

Legal Rights

Obviously, if you know anything about the EU, you will know what its European system of law is currently doing to our British Common Law based legal system. Well, it's essentially destroyed it.

Our legal system in the UK was arguably the jewel of our society, our Bill of Rights influenced the American Constitution and was the major base for all other Anglo-Saxon freedoms. Or at least perceived freedoms. It was the basic promise that a subject would not be subjected to threats of intimidation or charged without fair trial. England even banned the use of torture in 1640 because it understood that it brings about false confessions for instance, which for the time was pretty outstanding. 
With the European system marching in over the years we now have fixed penalty notes, on-the-spot fines, trials without jury, kangaroo family courts, and daily threats coming from all forms of authority both in person and in state propaganda. The outrage here is that there is apparently no presumption of innocence anymore with any criminal case. Add into the mix that in the UK they've recently cut back on legal aid and citizens advice for the public, and you really do get a sense of the broader picture. The worker class is the new serfdom.

If you're a serf, you can't have opinions that counter the zeitgeist of the political landscape either. People are being arrested and tried for saying things or posting their opinions online everyday. Fortunately it's something that I've somehow avoided so far. Generally though, society seems to think these arrests are justified. Probably because the media has gotten so good at twisting things and providing top class propaganda that the mentally weak don't presume some form of agenda on the Governments behalf.

Do I agree with posting up sick videos on facebook? No. Do I think someone should have to do a five year stretch because it may offend someone? Erm, no definitely not. It takes all sorts in life, and just because someone seems to have an unhealthy obsession with gore, I should hope a judge would not see fit to ruin someones life for it. So called "Racist, sexist or homophobic" people now seem to be the new witches to throw on the pyre in the name of modern society - the irony that these people are now being discriminated against is conveniently ignored.

Another big one in the UK especially, is that it is practically illegal to defend yourself, your loved ones or your property, and even more 'wrong' to use a firearm to those ends. It is interesting to note that in Anglo-Saxon times, any freeman or woman were allowed to carry with them a Seax (short-sword) at all times. Only those people who were considered slaves could not own a weapon and the punishment for a non-freeman owning or possessing a weapon was usually a public beating. These days we are slightly more 'cultured', so we no longer have to endure the public beating, but we do still suffer the abuse of a society which places the rights of criminals above the right of citizens to defend themselves and their homes. What is worse is the criminal conviction merely for possessing a knife or weapon. 

I tend to hold the view that the Government does actually see us all as Serfs these days, and therefore being common peasants we are not given the rights to defend ourselves and property because, well because quite frankly in the broad scheme of things we don't own anything. We merely borrow it from the Government for a while, and the Government's wealth is intrinsically linked now to the Zionist banking interests. (Look up who actually owns your car and who gets an estate if no one leaves a will after death, etc.) 

I'm not going to argue gun crime statistics and whether they should or should not be in the hands of civilians, that is far from the remit of this article - but ask yourself, in a free society would you have to justify why you needed a pen knife in your pocket if you were stopped and searched by your local Bobby? One of the biggest ones that we should all be concerned with though, is the banning of protests. What kind of free society dictates that in order to protest against the state, you must organise it... with the state. Its bizarre that people think this is totally normal.


You maybe wondering how on Earth rampant capitalism-turned-corporatocracy and social Marxism are combined. And what it has to do with Zionism? When you think of capitalism and communism, you would naturally consider the two systems diametrically opposed, however these two systems have inter-woven to create the current situation, and are walking side by side to form what is essentially a technocratic World Government.

If we boil it all down, Zionism is a a form of Supremacy. It uses something which they've always been good at (finance) to buy their way up Western civilization to the point now where they own the vast majority of world markets. Rockefeller, Rothschild etc, these international bankers use their financial power to pull strings and fund organisations across the World to use for their own ends.

Just to make the point, not all Jews are Zionists. Not all Zionists are Jews, but, generally as a rule it is the Talmudic philosophy of control and domination of 'Goyim' (a derogatory word for non-Jews) which pushes this agenda forward. 
The Social Marxism comes in when we consider the other things we've just discussed, like wage suppression and so-on. The break down of traditional values, of family, of race, makes it easier and easier to dominate the population and control through media and financial means. The "utopian" world view of the lefties "post-racial, post-gender, anti-natural-order" is not about making mankind stronger, it's about making an even weaker coffee coloured serf race, with no definable culture or tradition - which makes it easy to control. The only nation which it seems does not get called out for for not taking in immigrants, or for not having an active 'progressive' policy is Israel. Because it is the Zionist state. If you question how much power Zionism has as an ideology, you need only look at how the very financial elites which Western leaders sucked up to, and made British and American politicians agree to the partition of Palestine, and the creation of the Zionist nation in the first place.
To be fair, in the case of Britain this Zionist, financial power has existed since the time of William the Conqueror, and the various attempts to rid England and later Britain of this has been undone a few times such as with the Parliamentarian Cromwell. As of Napoleonic times, the international banker has held huge amounts of power in Britain and subsequently across the commonwealth.

The future is not utopian under this regime. It is dystopian. This power, this entity, has managed to get its tentacles all the way into the UN, and it is now making international policies, like the global gay rights agenda and disarmament of civilians etc, all under the directive of Agenda 21 (that is, the UN's set agenda for the 21st century.) Right now it seems through the TTIP, they are merging North America with Europe, and assigning Corporations more political control. And this is just the start, this will spread across the globe and get worse and worse.

Whilst this has been written largely from the British perspective, the same mechanisms, albeit sometimes under different names, is at work in every developed nation right now. As corporations gain more power, the people will lose theirs - but under the newspeak lies of the media it will be packaged as something brilliant. There is in progress the creation of a hivemind, and with it comes the danger that all of this really is an endgame from which no-one can escape from. But we must at least try. Until enough people understand the communistic and capitalist systems are equally to blame for this situation, there is little hope of change.


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